Friday, 18 March 2011

I, Narcissus

 'George' and 'Nathan' from the series 'I, Narcissus'. This project took the ancient Greek myth of Narcissus as a starting point for the exploration of contemporary male body issues. The image of George is currently being exhibited in The One Eyed Dog in Portsmouth as part of the 'New Walls' project for the next few months, apparently it is the biggest print in the place, so please go and check it out!

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Holga Magic!

Straight out of the camera, just as Lomo intended.

New Beginnings...

Hello and welcome to Ben Partington Photography, previously The 404 Gallery (which has relocated to Tumblr, please follow this link if interested!)

This is now my personal blog for projects, so please have a look through the archive and enjoy!
